It's springtime and I needed a bag in some of those lighter tones. I saw a bag in one of my quilting magazines and decided to make some alterations. I wanted something large enough to carry all the essentials from my purse with the addition of my laptop. I often take baby girl with me to classes and the addition of the diaper bag and carseat to carry was playing havoc with my back. I needed to eliminate a bag.
When I completed this bag I was so proud of myself. I took it into the other room to show my husband. I was absolutely in love with the finished product. husband asked, "Why did you make another diaper bag?" Way to deflate my ego.
But now looking at it I can see possibilities in this pattern for a diaper bag....hmmm. Just add a few pockets here and trim there. Maybe......
But for now I am enjoying my bag as a project bag for knitting and quilting projects that I take with me to soccer and band practices (oh the joys of being a mother).
Here are a few pics of the interesting additions I made to the pattern.
Cross hatch quilting on bottom |
For the next one I would like to add some feet the base. I hate putting cloth bags on the floor, especially after spending time putting in all the details like this quilting.
Added flap with snap |
I love the magnetic snap on a flap. It makes me feel as if I will actually be able to keep the bag closed. "I will not overstuff, I will keep my bag organized. I will. I will."
Who am I kidding?
Inside pocket
I added pockets on both inside panels. One is stitched to hold ink pens and my cell phone, while the other is left whole. Currently the pockets are holding a needle case, spools of thread, and scissors.
Recycled Belt Piece |
I had this metal belt that I just loved. It has been in the bottom of my knitting basket for 3 years now waiting to be repurposed. The clasp broke and I couldn't bear to throw it away. The links make perfect hardware for this bag.
Strap and Loop |
I love the detail the repurposed belt link and the fabric handles and loops give.
So even though my well intentioned husband had burst my bubble, I have to give him credit. He started my creative juices flowing again. Elasticized pockets on the outside side panels and a row of elasticized pockets on the inside panel. Possible different hardware.....lots of cute baby fabric....I saw some amazing robot fabric the other day....and I just found out I have a great nephew on the way. Yes, hubby's innocent comment may have just got him more than he bargained for.
I think I need to go rewrite this pattern to fit my needs, and maybe, just maybe a trip to the fabric store is in my ever growing to do list.