As I drove my husband to work this morning I was struck by how quickly the weather has changed here in East Tennessee. Just Saturday I was at a marching band competition with my son sweating in 87 degree weather. When I left the house this morning it was 47 degrees and a high of 73 degrees expected. The leaves are just beginning to change color and a few are even already drifting to the ground.
Fall is a very busy season around my house. With a middle school cheerleader and member of the high school marching band in the house we are constantly running to practices and games. It is also high tourist season in the Smoky Mountains, so I help out my friend some at my LQS.

In the midst of this craziness I have felt an overwhelming urge to write again. So while I have taken an extended sabbatical from blogging after the birth of our youngest child, I have decided to begin blogging again.
I hope you will join me as I once again share my adventures in crafting and journeys through motherhood.
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