Friday, September 16, 2011

Finished Order!!!

Cosby Little League Football Cheerleader bow order is finished!  And just in time for their pictures last night.   I was able to snag a couple pictures while the girls were waiting in line.

These bows were special ordered to coordinate both with the traditional uniforms and the t-shirt/short outfits that we had made this year.   Each bow is a basic pinwheel bow on a double ribbon spike foundation.  Because these are used for cheerleading, I have followed the standard competition guidelines of no metal used.   Each bow is handsewn to a no metal clasp ponytail holder.

I am very pleased with this style.  The above bows are a 5" bow but I also make these in 4" and 3" styles.

As I mentioned in my last post football season is my busy season.  I finished this order and immediately had to begin the bow making process for the games this weekend.  So excited to be busy!!!!